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quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009

PM pays tribute to Speaker

 anonThe Prime Minister has thanked the outgoing Speaker of the House of Commons for his "long and dedicated service to Parliament".

Michael Martin chaired his final session of Prime Minister's Questions this afternoon before delivering a valedictory speech to Parliament.

Michael Martin will formally stand down from his position on Sunday.

Gordon Brown told Parliament the Speaker's background was an inspiring story showing dedication, self belief and tireless hard work.

"This House should salute a Speaker who has made his constituency proud, and who is hailed as a friend by people of every background and every walk of life when he walks down the streets of his own constituency."

Mr Brown said Michael Martin was born and brought up in the city he has "represented with pride for 30 years".

"A Speaker whose small kindnesses to hundreds of people are remembered and unfailingly appreciated, and has brought home to thousands what Westminster at its best can do for people - never interested in the trappings of office but only the concerns of people we represent."

The PM said that every side of the House wished the Speaker a long and happy retirement.

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