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sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009

Khabarovsk: EU chiefs treated like Kings

 The head chefs at the restaurants where the European officials will be taking their lunch and dinner will be preparing some special dishes. Thus, for example, the favourite dish of Javier Solana, Secretary-General of the EU Council, is stuffed sweet pepper and spicy mutton stew with spaghetti, and that's what they'll give him. The ingredients, however, will not be local, but specially brought in from Spain RBH reports. For dessert there'll be cheese, cottage cheese, fresh fruit dipped in chocolate, and traditional Spanish buns. For Vaclav Klaus, current EU President, goulash is being prepared according to a family recipe. It will be cooked by a Czech chef, but the recipe is being kept secret. The Khabarovsk cooks have been given an order of roast goose and cabbage, with Czech knedliky (boiled wheat bread dumplings). There will also be fried potato pancakes, known as bramboraky, and also the famous Czech roast pork with dumplings and cabbage. For dessert there will be sweet kolace pastries.


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