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sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009

Megan Fontanella

Assistant CuratorGuggenheim curator since 2005 Megan Fontanella joined the curatorial staff in 2005 and conducts collections research for the Guggenheim, focusing on institutional history and provenance. In addition to her research work, she has co-curated several collection-based installations for the museum's Kandinsky Gallery, including From Berlin to New York: Karl Nierendorf and the Guggenheim and Selections from the Collection: Pop and the Art of Assemblage, 1960–1975. Her current exhibition, From Public to Private: Collections at the Guggenheim, is on view at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao from June 2009–January 2010. She graduated from Dartmouth College with a BA in Art History modified with History, and received her MA in Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, where she specialized in 19th-century French painting and sculpture.


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